Legion of Super-Heroes

This is a chronological timeline of stories featuring the Legion of Super-Heroes. Clicking on a "term-year" will speed you to that particular period in the Legion's history; clicking on a story title will take you to a page fully detailing that particular tale.

Term Date Leader Issues Included
Year One 2962-63 Cosmic Boy Adventure Comics No. 247 - 303
Year Two 2963-64 Saturn Girl Adventure Comics No. 304 - 322
Year Three 2964-65 Saturn Girl Adventure Comics No. 323 - 336
Year Four 2965-66 Brainiac 5 Adventure Comics No. 337 - 347
Year Five 2966-67 Invisible Kid Adventure Comics No. 348 - 370
Year Six 2967-68 Ultra Boy Adventure No. 371 - 380; Action No. 378 - 381
Year Seven 2968-69 Karate Kid Action Comics No. 382 - 392
Year Eight 2969-70 Mon-El Action Comics No. 392

For stories that take place after this date, please see The Adult Legion Chronology.

For a list of stories with Legion references, please see Legion-Relevant Stories.

"Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes" Cover Gallery

Timeline Notes

This is a timeline of the Legion of Super-Heroes' feature and guest appearances. The stories are listed in chronological order of events, which is not always in publishing order, and from the team's 30th century perspective. Stories in which off-panel interactions with the Legion are alluded to are also included; for example, in Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen No. 79, the Legion of Super-Heroes do not actually appear, but the villain Kasmir is from the 30th century, steals a Legion time-bubble, and the team warns Superman about it. Later, the Man of Steel returns it to them and brings the villain to his own time to face trial.

The 20th century, pre-Legion membership appearances of Mon-El, Insect Queen, and Elastic Lad are not included in this Legion timeline. For these tales, as well as those that feature Legion cameos (i.e. pictures or statues) or non-interactive references, please consult Legion-Relevant Stories.

For character appearances within a story, note that "Roll Call" is listed alphabetically, while other character listings are presented in order of appearance. A character listed in non-bold font indicates that, while they are visibly seen (or ostensibly present), they do not contribute any dialogue - either in speech or thought.

Please also note that this is a Silver Age-only account of the history of the original Legion of Super-Heroes so, therefore, does not include any stories, facts, or assumptions based on stories published after Mort Weisinger's last edited issue, Action Comics No. 392, cover-dated September 1970.

Year One (2962-63) Leader: Cosmic Boy
Action Comics No. 267

Action Comics No. 267 (Aug. 1960)

"The Three Super-Heroes"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: Jim Mooney

The charter members go back in time to meet Supergirl and bring her to the 30th century to try out for membership. Unfortunately, an encounter with red kryptonite forces the Legion to reject her application.

First appearance of Colossal Boy, Chameleon Boy, and Invisible Kid.

Action Comcis No. 276

Action Comics No. 276 (May 1961)

"Supergirl's Three Super Girl Friends"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: Jim Mooney

Saturn Girl, Triplicate Girl, and Phantom Girl give Supergirl another chance at joining the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Supergirl, along with Brainiac 5, joins the Legion of Super-Heroes. First appearance of Phantom Girl and Triplicate Girl as members. First appearance of Sun Boy, Bouncing Boy, and Shrinking Violet (as applicants).

Adventure Comics No. 247

Adventure Comics No. 247 (Apr. 1958)

"The Legion of Super-Heroes"

Writer: Otto Binder

Artist: Al Plastino

The three charter members go back in time to meet Superboy and bring him to the 30th century to install him as a member of their Super-Hero Club.

First appearance of the Legion of Super-Heroes - Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, and Lightning Boy.

Adventure Comics No. 267

Adventure Comics No. 267 (Dec. 1959)

"Prisoner of the Super-Heroes"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: George Papp

The Legionnaires go back in time to build a "Superboy Planet" to honor the Boy of Steel, only to later discover that he is destined to become a criminal in five years' time.

Superboy No. 86

Superboy No. 86 (Jan. 1961)

"The Army of Living Kryptonite Men"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: George Papp

Lex Luthor tries to destroy Superboy and Lightning Lad goes back in time to save him.

Lex Luthor learns of the existence of a Legion of Super-Heroes.

Adventure Comics No. 282

Adventure Comics No. 282 (Mar. 1961)

"Lana Lang and the Legion of Super-Heroes"

Writer: Otto Binder

Artist: George Papp

Lana Lang meets Star Boy when he travels to the 20th century, and then tries to use him to make Superboy jealous. Her plan backfires when Superboy meets a girl from Star Boy's home planet, Xanthu.

First appearance of Star Boy, who has his comet-induced Superboy-type powers in this story only.

Adventure Comics No. 290

Adventure Comics No. 290 (Nov. 1961)

"The Secret of the Seventh Super-Hero"

Writer: ?

Artist: George Papp

Superboy is asked to retrieve all the pieces of a dangerous weapon that the Legion had buried in various locations around the globe in the 20th century

Sun Boy's first appearance as a member.

Superboy No. 93

Superboy No. 93 (Dec. 1961)

"Lana Lang's Superboy Identity Detection Kit"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: George Papp

Chameleon Boy goes back in time to help Superboy protect his secret identity from the ever-suspicious Lana Lang.

Action Comcis No. 283

Action Comics No. 283 (Dec. 1961)

"The Six Red 'K' Perils of Supergirl"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: Jim Mooney

For the first time, Superman travels into the future to see the teenaged Legion.

Note: The Legion does not actually appear in this story.

Action Comics No. 284

Action Comics No. 284 (Jan. 1962)

"The Strange Bodies of Supergirl"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: Jim Mooney

Superman returns from his visit with the teenaged Legion in the future, and then tells Supergirl that he will reveal her existence to the world.

Note: The Legion does not actually appear in this story.

Superman Annual No. 4

Superman Annual No. 4 (Winter 1962)

"The Origin and Powers of the Legion of Super-Heroes"

Writer: ?

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Not a story, this picture and text feature lists all the members of the Legion and depicts them heroically using their powers.

First mention that Shrinking Violet and Bouncing Boy have joined the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Adventure Comics No. 293

Adventure Comics No. 293 (Feb. 1962)

"The Legion of Super-Traitors"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

The three charter Legionnaires go back in time to kill Superboy.

First appearance of the Legion of Super-Pets. Mon-El makes a guest appearance but is not a Legion member yet.

Action Comics No. 285

Action Comics No. 285 (Feb. 1962)

"The World's Greatest Heroine"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: Jim Mooney

After Supergirl's public debut, the Legion gives her a weapon to defeat the Infinite Monster.

Superman No. 152

Superman No. 152 (Apr. 1962)

"The Robot Master"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Some Legionnaires help celebrate the anniversary of Supergirl's arrival on Earth by hoaxing her and Superman with some robots they made of his friends.

Action Comics No. 287

Action Comics No. 287 (Apr. 1962)

"Supergirl's Greatest Challenge"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: Jim Mooney

The Legionnaires summon Supergirl from the past for her help to defeat the Negative Man. When they seem to have lost all their powers, Supergirl helps cover for them on their missions.

Bouncing Boy's first appearance as a member within a story.

Superboy No. 98

Superboy No. 98 (July 1962)

"The Boy With Ultra-Powers"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Ultra Boy's initiation test to join the Legion is to discover Superboy's secret identity.

First appearance of Ultra Boy and Marla, the Legion's new senior advisor. Pete Ross is made an honorary member shortly after this story.

Action Comics No. 290

Action Comics No. 290 (July 1962)

"Supergirl's Super Boy-Friends"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: Jim Mooney

Phantom Girl travels back in time to give Supergirl a statue she carved of her. Unfortunately, she had unknowingly carved it out of red kryptonite!

Adventure Comics No. 300

Adventure Comics No. 300 (Sept. 1962)

"The Face Behind the Lead Mask"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artists: John Forte / Al Plastino

Mon-El leaves the Phantom Zone, temporarily, via Saturn Girl's Serum XY-4, and saves the Legionnaires from Lex Luthor's robot, Urthlo.

Mon-El joins the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Superman No. 156

Superman No. 156 (Oct. 1962)

"The Last Days of Superman"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

The Legion carries out Superman's last wishes when he thinks he is dying of Virus X.

The Mon-El that contacts the Legion from the 20th century Phantom Zone is not a member of the Legion yet, although his 30th century self is.

Superboy No. 100

Superboy No. 100 (Oct. 1962)

"The Day Pete Ross Became a Robot"

Writer: Jerry Coleman

Artist: George Papp

While Superboy attends a Legion meeting in the future, Ultra Boy helps out Pete Ross back in 20th century Smallville.

Jimmy Olsen No. 64

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen No. 64 (Oct. 1962)

"Jimmy Olsen, Hollywood Star"

Writer: Leo Dorfman

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Superman and Supergirl fly into the future to go on a mission with the Legion.

Note: The Legion does not actually appear in this story.

Adventure Comics No. 301

Adventure Comics No. 301 (Oct. 1962)

"The Secret Origin of Bouncing Boy"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: John Forte

Bouncing Boy recounts his origin to encourage a new group of applicants.

Possible first appearance of Matter-Eater Lad (as an applicant wearing different clothes).

Superman No. 157

Superman No. 157 (Nov. 1962)

"Superman's Day of Doom"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad travel back in time to 1962 to participate in the Superman Day parade in Metropolis.

Adventure Comics No. 302

Adventure Comics No. 302 (Nov. 1962)

"Sun Boy's Lost Power"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: John Forte

Sun Boy loses his power and is expelled from the Legion.

Adventure Comics No. 303

Adventure Comics No. 303 (Dec. 1962)

"The Fantastic Spy"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: John Forte

The Legion's secrets are not safe, but its members refuse to believe one of their own is a spy.

Matter-Eater Lad officially joins the Legion.

Action Comics No. 295

Action Comics No. 295 (Dec. 1962)

"Superman Goes Wild"

Writer: Robert Bernstein

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Supergirl is mentioned as being in the future helping the Legionnaires conduct a scientific experiment. (Pre-Legionnaire Mon-El also appears on the splash page watching Superman from the Phantom Zone.)

Note: The Legion does not actually appear in this story.

Action Comics No. 298

Action Comics No. 298 (Mar. 1963)

"The Super-Powers of Lex Luthor"

Writer: Leo Dorfman

Artist: Jim Mooney

The charter members try to go back in time to help Supergirl but are kept from doing so by escaped Phantom Zone criminals.

Year Two (2963-64) Leader: Saturn Girl
Adventure Comics No. 304

Adventure Comics No. 304 (Jan. 1963)

"The Stolen Super-Powers"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: John Forte

Saturn Girl uses her power to make everyone vote for her leadership of the team and seems to turn into a tyrant.

Saturn Girl is elected leader; Lightning Lad dies.

Adventure Comics No. 305

Adventure Comics No. 305 (Feb. 1963)

"Clark Kent, He-Man"

Writer: ? / Artist: George Papp

Chameleon Boy helps Superboy keep his new secret identity as Mark Denton.

"The Secret of the Mystery Legionnaire"

Writer: Jerry Siegel / Artist: John Forte

Brainiac 5 invents a serum that frees Mon-El from the Phantom Zone; he applies as "Marvel Lad."

Adventure Comics No. 306

Adventure Comics No. 306 (Mar. 1963)

"The Legion of Substitute Heroes"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

Polar Boy and other rejected applicants form the Legion of Substitute Heroes.

First appearance of the Legion of Substitute Heroes - Polar Boy, Night Girl, Chlorophyll Kid, Stone Boy, and Fire Lad.

Adventure Comics No. 307

Adventure Comics No. 307 (Apr. 63)

"The Secret Power of the Mystery Super-Hero"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

Mystery Lad joins the Legion to help capture Roxxas and his raiders.

Element Lad joins the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Adventure Comics No. 308

Adventure Comics No. 308 (May 1963)

"The Return of Lightning Lad"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

Lightning Lad appears to return to life and helps the Legionnaires defeat the Master of Thieves' Planet.

Lightning Lass joins the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Adventure Comics No. 309

Adventure Comics No. 309 (June 1963)

"The Legion of Super-Monsters"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton / Artist: John Forte

Rejected applicant Jungle King attacks the Legion with his team of hypnotically controlled monsters.

"The Fake Superboy From Krypton"

Writer: ? / Artist: George Papp

Brainiac 5 helps Superboy hide his secret identity from a criminal.

Jimmy Olsen No. 70

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen No. 70 (July 1963)

"The Secret of Silver Kryptonite"

Writer: ?

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Jimmy Olsen plans to spring the mysterious "silver kryptonite" on Superman.

Element Lad makes a guest appearance.

Adventure Comics No. 310

Adventure Comics No. 310 (July 1963)

"The Doom of the Super-Heroes"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

Mask Man (Mxyzptlk V) sets out to destroy the entire Legion... and very nearly succeeds!

Adventure Comics No. 311

Adventure Comics No. 311 (Aug. 1963)

"The War Between the Substitute Heroes and the Legionnaires"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

Night Girl's secret crush on Cosmic Boy is apparently revealed at a time when the Legion want none of her team's interference.

Adventure Comics No. 312

Adventure Comics No. 312 (Sept. 1963)

"The Super-Sacrifice of the Legionnaires"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

The Legionnaires gather in a fatal attempt to revive Lightning Lad.

Proty dies in this story.

Adventure Comics No. 313

Adventure Comics No. 313 (Oct. 1963)

"The Condemned Legionnaires"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inkers: George Klein / John Forte

Satan Girl inflicts the crimson virus on all the girl Legionnaires.

Adventure Comics No. 314

Adventure Comics No. 314 (Nov. 1963)

"The Super-Villains of All Ages"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

Alaktor steals a Legion time-bubble and recruits three infamous villains from history - Nero, Dillinger, and Hitler.

Adventure Comics No. 315

Adventure Comics No. 315 (Dec. 1963)

"The Legionnaires' Super-Contest"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton / Artist: John Forte

The Legion holds a contest to see which member of the Legion of Substitute Heroes may join the team.

"The Titanic Boy of Steel"

Writer: ? / Artist: George Papp

Colossal Boy helps protect Superboy's secret identity.

Jimmy Olsen No. 72

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen No. 72 (Oct. 1963)

"The World of Doomed Olsens"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Jimmy Olsen becomes an honorary member of the team.

First appearance of Proty II.

Jimmy Olsen No. 73

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen No. 73 (Dec. 1963)

"Jimmy's Inter-Dimensional Romance"

Writer: ?

Penciller: John Forte

Inker: George Klein

Ultra Boy goes back in time to give Jimmy a wedding gift from the Legion.

Action Comics No. 307

Action Comics No. 307 (Dec. 1963)

"Supergirl's Wedding Day"

Writer: Leo Dorfman

Artist: Jim Mooney

Saturn Girl goes back in time to keep Supergirl from making a big mistake.

Adventure Comics No. 316

Adventure Comics No. 316 (Jan. 1964)

"The Renegade Super-Hero"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

Ultra Boy is expelled when it is discovered that he, apparently, had a criminal past.

The first full-length "Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes" story.

Adventure Comics No. 317

Adventure Comics No. 317 (Feb. 1964)

"The Menace of Dream Girl"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

Dream Girl joins the Legion under false pretenses and then quits.

First mention of the Time-Trapper.

Lightning Lass becomes Light Lass in this issue.

Action Comics No. 309

Action Comics No. 309 (Feb. 1964)

"The Superman Super-Spectacular"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

The Legion travels back to 1963 to appear on a Superman TV tribute.

President John F. Kennedy makes an appearance.

Adventure Comics No. 318

Adventure Comics No. 318 (Mar. 1964)

"The Mutiny of the Legionnaires"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

Sun Boy gets space fatigue and turns into a "Captain Bligh".

Jimmy Olsen No. 76

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen No. 76 (Apr. 64)

"Elastic Lad Jimmy and His Legion Romances"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: John Forte

The girl Legionnaires pretend to fall for Elastic Lad in order to make Lucy Lane jealous.

Adventure Comics No. 319

Adventure Comics No. 319 (Apr. 1964)

"The Legion's Suicide Squad"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

The Substitute Heroes come to the Legion's rescue.

Adventure Comics No. 320

Adventure Comics No. 320 (May 1964)

"The Revenge of the Knave From Krypton"

Writer: Jerry Sigel

Artists: John Forte / George Papp / Al Plastino / Sheldon Moldoff

Dev-Em calls on the Legion to help bust up the Cosmic Spy League.

World's Finest No. 142

World's Finest Comics No. 142 (June 1964)

"The Composite Superman"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: Sheldon Moldoff

Joe Meech gains the powers of all the Legionnaires through statuettes the Legionnaires made of themselves to give to Superboy.

Adventure Comics No. 321

Adventure Comics No. 321 (June 1964)

"The Code of the Legion"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

Bouncing Boy loses his super-power and becomes a reservist.

First appearance of the Time-Trapper.

Lois Lane No. 50

Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane No. 50 (July 1964)

"Lois Lane's Luckiest Day"

Writer: ?

Artist: Kurt Schaffenberger

Triplicate Girl, Shrinking Violet, and Phantom Girl go back in time and join Lois Lane's Fan Club.

Adventure Comics No. 322

Adventure Comics No. 322 (July 1964)

"The Super-Tests of the Super-Pets"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: John Forte

Inker: Sheldon Moldoff

Proty II joins the Legion of Super-Pets.

Year Three (2964-65) Leader: Saturn Girl
Adventure Comics No. 323

Adventure Comics No. 323 (Aug. 1964)

"The Eight Impossible Missions"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Penciller: John Forte

Inker: George Klein

Proty II devises a puzzle to help the Legionnaires decide who will be their next leader.

Saturn Girl becomes the leader for her second term.

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen No. 79

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen No. 79 (Sept. 1964)

"The Red-Headed Beatle of 1,000 B.C."

Writer: Leo Dorfman

Artist: George Papp

Kasmir steals a Legion time-bubble and tricks Jimmy into taking him farther into the past.

Note: The Legion does not actually appear in this story.

Adventure Comics No. 324

Adventure Comics No. 324 (Sept. 1964)

"The Legion of Super-Outlaws"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

The Super-Heroes of Lallor attack the Legion.

Superman No. 172

Superman No. 172 (Oct. 1964)

"The New Superman"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton ?

Penciller: George Klein

Inkers: George Klein / Sheldon Moldoff

Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, and Invisible Kid loan Superman their powers.

Adventure Comics No. 325

Adventure Comics No. 325 (Oct. 64)

"Lex Luthor Meets the Legion of Super-Heroes"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: John Forte

Lex Luthor attacks the Legion.

Adventure Comics No. 326

Adventure Comics No. 326 (Nov. 1964)

"The Revolt of the Girl Legionnaires"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: John Forte

The girl Legionnaires attack the boys.

Adventure Comics No. 327

Adventure Comics No. 327 (Dec. 1964)

"The Lone Wolf Legionnaire"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: John Forte

Inkers: George Klein / Sheldon Moldoff

First appearance of future Legionnaire, Timber Wolf.

Action Comics No. 319

Action Comics No. 319 (Dec. 1964)

"The Super-Cheat"

Writer: ?

Artist: Jim Mooney

Shrinking Violet helps Supergirl at Stanhope College.

Adventure Comics No. 328

Adventure Comics No. 328 (Jan. 1965)

"The Lad Who Wrecked the Legion"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: Jim Mooney

Command Kid joins the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Adventure Comics No. 329

Adventure Comics No. 329 (Feb. 1965)

"The Bizarro-Legion"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: Jim Mooney

A Legion of Bizarros wreaks havoc in the universe.

Adventure Comics No. 330

Adventure Comics No. 330 (Mar. 1965)

"The Secret of the Mystery Legionnaire"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: Jim Mooney

Dynamo-Boy joins the Legion and expels everybody.

Adventure Comics No. 331

Adventure Comics No. 331 (Apr. 1965)

"The Triumph of the Legion of Super-Villains"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Artist: Jim Mooney

Cosmic King, Lightning Lord, and Saturn Queen join the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Superman No. 176

Superman No. 176 (Apr. 1965)

"The Revenge of the Super-Pets"

Writer: Leo Dorfman ?

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

The Legion of Super-Pets helps Superman on a special mission back in the 1860s.

Lois Lane No. 56

Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane No. 56 (Apr. 1965)

"Lois Lane, Super-Telepath"

Writer: Otto Binder

Artist: Kurt Schaffenberger

Saturn Girl takes part in a 20th century parade honoring super-heroines.

Adventure Comics No. 332

Adventure Comics No. 332 (May 1965)

"The Super-Moby Dick of Space"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

Lightning Lad loses his right arm to the Super-Moby Dick of Space.

Jimmy Olsen No. 85

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen No. 85 (June 1965)

"The Adventures of the Chameleon-Head Olsen"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Penciller: John Forte

Inker: George Klein

While visiting the Legionnaires in the 30th century, Jimmy Olsen is given a serum that will enable him to duplicate Chameleon Boy's power.

Adventure Comics No. 333

Adventure Comics No. 333 (June 1965)

"The War Between Krypton and Earth"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: John Forte

Inker: George Klein

The Legionnaires are divided during the ancient Atlantis-Krypton war.

Adventure Comics No. 334

Adventure Comics No. 334 (July 1965)

"The Unknown Legionnaire"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: John Forte

Inker: Sheldon Moldoff

Proty II returns to Antares where the Legionnaires meet Unknown Boy.

Adventure Comics No. 335

Adventure Comics No. 335 (Aug. 1965)


Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: John Forte

Inker: Sheldon Moldoff

The Seven Wonders of the 30th Century are threatened by a new super-villain.

Adventure Comics No. 336

Adventure Comics No. 336 (Sept. 1965)

"The True Identity of Starfinger"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: John Forte

Inker: George Klein ?

Lightning Lad is revealed to have been a puppet of Dr. Hanscom.

Jimmy Olsen No. 88

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen No. 88 (Oct. 1965)

"Jimmy Olsen, World's 'Heavyweight' Champ"

Writer: Otto Binder

Penciller: John Forte

Inker: George Klein

Star Boy appears in a flashback to when he stopped some crooks with his super-power.

Superboy No. 125

Superboy No. 125 (Dec. 1965)

"The Sacrifice of Kid Psycho"

Writer: Otto Binder

Artist: George Papp

Kid Psycho joins the Legion Reserve.

Year Four (2965-66) Leader: Brainiac 5 - Deputies: Saturn Girl & Superboy
Adventure Comics No. 337

Adventure Comics No. 337 (Oct. 1965)

"The Weddings That Wrecked the Legion"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: John Forte

Inker: Sheldon Moldoff

Two Legionnaire couples marry and quit the Legion.

Brainiac 5 becomes the new Legion leader.

Adventure Comics No. 338

Adventure Comics No. 338 (Nov. 1965)

"The Menace of the Sinister Super-Babies"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Artist: John Forte

The final showdown with the Time-Trapper.

Adventure Comics No. 339

Adventure Comics No. 339 (Dec. 1965)

"Hunters of the Super-Beasts"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: John Forte

Inker: Sheldon Moldoff

Beast Boy turns against humanity.

Beast Boy dies in this issue.

Adventure Comics No. 340

Adventure Comics No. 340 (Jan. 1966)

"Computo the Conqueror"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Brainiac 5 co-creates Computo, which then wreaks havoc in Metropolis.

Computo destroys Triplicate Girl.

Adventure Comics No. 341

Adventure Comics No. 341 (Feb. 1966)

"Colossal Boy's One-Man War"

Writer: Jerry Siegel

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: Sheldon Moldoff

The Legionnaires try to rescue their pals from Computo.

Triplicate Girl becomes Duo Damsel

Adventure Comics No. 342

Adventure Comics No. 342 (Mar. 1966)

"The Legionnaire Who Killed"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inkers: Sheldon Moldoff / George Klein

Star Boy is expelled for killing a murderer in self-defense.

Adventure Comics No. 343

Adventure Comics No. 343 (Apr. 1966)

"The Evil Hand of the Luck Lords"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

A run of "bad luck" hits the team.

Adventure Comics No. 344

Adventure Comics No. 344 (May 1966)

"The Super-Stalag of Space"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

The Legionnaires are imprisoned in Nardo's "super-stalag of space."

Adventure Comics No. 345

Adventure Comics No. 345 (June 1966)

"The Execution of Matter-Eater Lad"

Writer: Edmond Hamilton

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

The Legionnaires try to escape from Nardo's stalag before the villain can execute Matter-Eater Lad.

Matter-Eater Lad turns super-obese.

Adventure Comics No. 346

Adventure Comics No. 346 (July 1966)

"One of Us Is a Traitor"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Jim Shooter

Inker: Sheldon Moldoff

Princess Projectra, Nemesis Kid, Ferro Lad, and Karate Kid join the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Adventure Comics No. 347

Adventure Comics No. 347 (Aug. 1966)

"The Traitor's Triumph"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Nemesis Kid is revealed to be a Khund spy and a traitor.

Year Five (2966-67) Leader: Invisible Kid - Deputy: Superboy
Adventure Comics No. 348

Adventure Comics No. 348 (Sept. 1966)

"Target - 21 Legionnaires"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Artist: George Papp

Dr. Regulus attacks the Legion.

Invisible Kid becomes the new leader; Sun Boy's origin is told in flashback.

Adventure Comics No. 349

Adventure Comics No. 349 (Oct. 1966)

"The Rogue Legionnaire"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Universo attacks the Legion but is defeated through the intervention of his son, Rond Vidar.

Adventure Comics No. 350

Adventure Comics No. 350 (Nov. 1966)

"The Outcast Super-Heroes"

Writer: E. Nelson Bridwell

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Superboy and Supergirl are honorably discharged; Sir Prize and Miss Terious join the team as their replacements.

Adventure Comics No. 351

Adventure Comics No. 351 (Dec. 1966)

"The Forgotten Legion"

Writer: E. Nelson Bridwell

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

The true identities of Sir Prize and Miss Terious are revealed.

Lightning Lad, Bouncing Boy, and Matter-Eater Lad are restored to normal. Star Boy, Dream Girl, Superboy, and Supergirl rejoin the team.

Jimmy Olsen No. 99

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen No. 99 (Jan. 1967)

"The One-Man Legion"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Artist: Pete Costanza

Jimmy is given three Legionnaire super-costumes for his birthday.

Adventure Comics No. 352

Adventure Comics No. 352 (Jan. 1967)

"The Fatal Five"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

The threat of the Sun-Eater forces the Legionnaires to gather and join forces with the "Fatal Five."

Adventure Comics No. 353

Adventure Comics No. 353 (Feb. 1967)

"The Doomed Legionnaire"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Ferro Lad sacrifices himself to destroy the Sun-Eater.

Jimmy Olsen No. 100

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen No. 100 (Mar. 1967)

"Jimmy Olsen's Weirdo Wedding"

Writer: Leo Dorfman

Artist: Pete Costanza

Jimmy Olsen attends a Legion meeting, where he informs his teammates of his impending marriage to Lucy Lane.

Adventure Comics No. 355

Adventure Comics No. 355 (Apr. 1967)

"The Six-Legged Legionnaire"

Writer: Otto Binder

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Lana Lang joins the Legion Reserve as Insect Queen.

Note: Adventure Comics No. 354 and the first story in 355 are listed in the Adult Legion Chronology.

Adventure Comics No. 356

Adventure Comics No. 356 (May 1967)

"The Five Legion Orphans"

Writer: E. Nelson Bridwell

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Five Legionnaires are turned into tots.

Adventure Comics No. 357

Adventure Comics No. 357 (June 1967)

"The Ghost of Ferro Lad"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

Ferro Lad's ghost returns to have his revenge.

Adventure Comics No. 358

Adventure Comics No. 358 (July 1967)

"The Hunter"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Artist: George Papp

Otto Orion hunts the "most dangerous game" - the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Adventure Comics No. 359

Adventure Comics No. 359 (Aug. 1967)

"The Outlawed Legionnaires"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

The Legion is outlawed and half its members are sent to Takron-Galtos.

Adventure Comics No. 360

Adventure Comics No. 360 (Sept. 1967)

"The Legion Chain Gang"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

The Legionnaires must work as underground rebels in order to free their friends and find out why they were outlawed.

Rond Vidar is made an honorary member.

Jimmy Olsen No. 106

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen No. 106 (Oct. 1967)

"The Lone Wolf Legionnaire Reporter"

Writer: ?

Artist: Pete Costanza

Jimmy digs up news for the Legion Bulletin.

Adventure Comics No. 361

Adventure Comics No. 361 (Oct. 1967)

"The Unkillables"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Artist: Jim Mooney

The Legionnaires must protect the Dominators, as they journey to Earth to talk peace with the United Planets.

Adventure Comics No. 362

Adventure Comics No. 362 (Nov. 1967)

"The Chemoids Are Coming"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Artist: Pete Costanza

Mantis Morlo strikes at the home worlds of three Legionnaires.

Adventure Comics No. 363

Adventure Comics No. 363 (Dec. 1967)

"Black Day For the Legion"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Artist: Pete Costanza

Mantis Morlo and his chemoids are defeated by the Legion.

Adventure Comics No. 364

Adventure Comics No. 364 (Jan. 1968)

"The Revolt of the Super-Pets"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Artist: Pete Costanza

The super-pets rebel against the Legionnaires.

Adventure Comics No. 365

Adventure Comics No. 365 (Feb. 1968)

"Escape of the Fatal Five"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

The Fatal Five takes over Talok VIII.

Adventure Comics No. 366

Adventure Comics No. 366 (Mar. 68)

"The Fight For the Championship of the Universe"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

The Fatal Five takes Metropolis hostage.

Shadow Lass joins the Legion; the Clubhouse is wrecked.

Adventure Comics No. 367

Adventure Comics No. 367 (Apr. 1968)

"No Escape From the Circle of Death"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inkers: George Klein / Sheldon Moldoff

The Dark Circle is defeated by Brainiac 5 using the Miracle Machine.

The new Legion Headquarters is built.

Superboy No. 147

Superboy No. 147 (May/June 1968)

"The Origin of the Legion"

Writer: E. Nelson Bridwell

Artist: Pete Costanza

The origin of the Legion is presented in an abridged form.

Jimmy Olsen No. 117

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen No. 117 (Jan. 1969)

"The Planet of the Capes"

Writer: Otto Binder

Artist: Pete Costanza

Jimmy travels to a parallel world where those who don't who don't wear capes are considered slaves.

As seen in flashback, the Legionnaires who travel to this parallel world with Superman have their capes duplicated.

Adventure Comics No. 368

Adventure Comics No. 368 (May 1968)

"The Mutiny of the Super-Heroines"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: George Klein

The girl Legionnaires get their powers increased dramatically.

Superboy No. 148

Superboy No. 148 (June 1968)

"Superboy's Greatest Gamble"

Writer: Leo Dorfman

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inkers: Sheldon Moldoff / Jack Abel

Polar Boy's parents adopt Superboy.

Adventure Comics No. 369

Adventure Comics No. 369 (June 1968)

"Mordru the Merciless"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: Jack Abel

Four Legionnaires try to hide from Mordru the Merciless in 20th century Smallville.

Adventure Comics No. 370

Adventure Comics No. 370 (July 1968)

"The Devil's Jury"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: Jack Abel

Mordru's armies attack Smallville.

Year Six (2967-68) Leader: Ultra Boy - Deputy: Mon-El
Adventure Comics No. 371

Adventure Comics No. 371 (Aug. 1968)

"The Colossal Failure"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: Jack Abel

Colossal Boy is expelled for treason.

Ultra Boy is leader; first appearance of the Legion Academy.

Adventure Comics No. 372

Adventure Comics No. 372 (Sept. 1968)

"School For Super-Villains"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: Jack Abel

The Legion goes undercover to break up a school for super-villains.

Legion Academy students Timber Wolf and Chemical King join the Legion; Colossal Boy is re-admitted into the team. First chronological appearance of what will later become the Legion of Super-Villains.

Adventure Comics No. 373

Adventure Comics No. 373 (Oct. 1968)

"The Tornado Twins"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Artist: Win Mortimer

Don and Dawn Allen try to generate publicity for Flash Day by upstaging the Legion.

Adventure Comics No. 374

Adventure Comics No. 374 (Nov. 1968)

"Mission: Diabolical"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Artist: Win Mortimer

The Scorpius Gang kidnaps most of the Legionnaires in order to force those remaining to defeat their rival gang, Taurus.

Adventure Comics No. 375

Adventure Comics No. 375 (Dec. 1968)

"The King of the Legion"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Artist: Win Mortimer

When the super-hero group known as the Wanderers turns temporarily evil, the Legionnaires must round them up, turning it into a contest to see who is the mightiest member and answer a mysterious challenge.

First appearance of Quantum Queen, as a member of the Wanderers.

Adventure Comics No. 376

Adventure Comics No. 376 (Jan. 1969)

"The Execution of Chameleon Boy"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

Chameleon Boy falls in love with the Princess Elwinda from another dimension, but is forbidden by her father from fighting for her hand in marriage because of his alien appearance.

Adventure Comics No. 377

Adventure Comics No. 377 (Feb. 1969)

"Heroes for Hire"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

The Legionnaires start demanding payment for their super-deeds as part of a plot to capture the criminals hiding on the planet Modo.

Adventure Comics No. 378

Adventure Comics No. 378 (Mar. 1969)

"Twelve Hours to Live"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

Five Legionnaires are fatally poisoned by Rakurga and must decide how to spend their last remaining hours.

Brainiac 5 celebrates his birthday.

Adventure Comics No. 379

Adventure Comics No. 379 (Apr. 1969)

"Burial in Space"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

As part of a deal to save their comrades' lives, Ultra Boy leads the Legionnaires to another universe to defend the Seerons from invaders.

Ultra Boy uses the Miracle Machine.

Adventure Comics No. 380

Adventure Comics No. 380 (May 1969)

"The Legion's Space Odyssey"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

Seven Legionnaires are mysteriously transported across the universe and must make their way back to Earth using only their powers and their wits.

Last "Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes" story in Adventure Comics; after this the feature moves to the back of Action Comics.

Action Comics No. 378

Action Comics No. 378 (July 1969)

"The Forbidden Fruit"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Mike Esposito

A criminal tries to get the Legion under his control by getting Timber Wolf addicted to Lotus Fruit.

Note: Action Comics No. 377 reprints Adventure Comics No. 300.

Action Comics No. 379

Action Comics No. 379 (Aug. 1969)

"One of Us Is an Impostor"

Writer: E. Nelson Bridwell

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Murphy Anderson

The Legion's computer tells them one of their members is an impostor, but is destroyed before it can tell them which one it is.

Action Comics No. 380

Action Comics No. 380 (Sept. 1969)

"Half a Legionnaire"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

Duo Damsel gets a split personality when one of her bodies turns evil.

Action Comics No. 381

Action Comics No. 381 (Oct. 1969)

"The Hapless Hero"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

Matter-Eater Lad confronts his parents about their bad habits. Later, when he takes Shrinking Violet on a date to cheer her up, a jealous Duplicate Boy turns up, fighting mad.

Year Seven (2968-69) Leader: Karate Kid - Deputy: Mon-El
Action Comics No. 382

Action Comics No. 382 (Nov. 1969)

"Kill a Friend to Save a World"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

The Legionnaires go undercover at a factory to prevent an arms race over new super-androids called Protectors.

Karate Kid becomes leader.

Action Comics No. 383

Action Comics No. 383 (Dec. 1969)

"Chameleon Boy's Secret Identity"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

Chameleon Boy takes on the identity of "Dane Roberts" in an attempt to become more attractive to Janice Warren, who is Princess Elwinda's double.

Action Comics No. 384

Action Comics No. 384 (Jan. 1970)

"Lament for a Legionnaire"

Writer: Jim Shooter

Penciller: Curt Swan

Inker: Jack Abel

Dream Girl predicts Mon-El will die in five days' time.

Mon-El dies, but Eltro Gand sacrficies himself to bring him back to life.

Action Comics No. 385

Action Comics No. 385 (Feb. 1970)

"The Fallen Star Boy"

Writer: E. Nelson Bridwell

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

Yark Althu, the brother of Kenz Nuhor, sets a trap for Star Boy on his home planet of Xanthu.

Action Comics No. 386

Action Comics No. 386 (Mar. 1970)

"Zap Goes the Legion"

Writer: E. Nelson Bridwell

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

Ex-con Uli Algor uses a device in her belt to turn all of the Legionnaires' powers against them.

Action Comics No. 387

Action Comics No. 387 (Apr. 1970)

"One Hero Too Many"

Writer: E. Nelson Bridwell

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

The Legion is told it must lose one member or be forced to pay back taxes.

Superboy resigns from active duty in the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Action Comics No. 389

Action Comics No. 389 (June 1970)

"The Mystery Legionnaire"

Writer: Cary Bates

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

The criminal android Klim is intent on getting revenge on the Legionnaire who originally defeated him.

Note: Action Comics No. 388 reprints Adventure Comics No. 302.

Action Comics No. 390

Action Comics No. 390 (July 1970)

"The Tyrant and the Traitor"

Writer: E. Nelson Bridwell

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

Chameleon Boy leads the Espionage Squad to join a revolution to overthrow a dictator and prevent the Dark Circle from taking control of the planet.

Action Comics No. 391

Action Comics No. 391 (Aug. 1970)

"The Ordeal of Element Lad"

Writer: E. Nelson Bridwell

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

Element Lad secretly uses his power to destroy an entire army of chemically-grown humanoids.

Year Eight (2969-70) Leader: Mon-El - Deputy: Element Lad
Action Comics No. 392

Action Comics No. 392 (Sept. 1970)

"The Legionnaires Who Never Were"

Writer: Cary Bates

Penciller: Win Mortimer

Inker: Jack Abel

In the last published Silver Age tale, Princess Projectra and Saturn Girl return from a mission only to find out that their comrades have no memory of them.

Mon-El takes over as leader at the end of the story for the 2969-70 term.

For stories that take place after 2969, please see: The Adult Legion Chronology